
  One of things people who are new to our Church often comment about is that they sense something different in our service.

Some experience an awareness of God’s presence and nearness while others who are just beginning their spiritual journey may not have language to describe this.

We are always encouraged by such report because each time we come together, we desire to experience God’s presence and be changed by encountering Him.

This is why heartfelt worship, relevant biblical teaching, and doing the ministry of Jesus are important values for us. In addition to our large weekend services, we offer a variety of small group options throughout the week in an effort to provide opportunities for authentic community and genuine friendship to develop.

As a group of imperfect people who are learning what it means to follow Jesus, love each other, be the church, and extend the kingdom of God we invite you to join us ”on the journey.”

2015 © Copyright by Kingdom Family Church. Developed and Designed by OluINC